Years ago, one of my oldest friends and I drove up to a historic mill to find the beautiful old building locked shut, the foundation arching beneath it and the creek unopened to wading.
Our best laid plans often go astray. No fault of our own sometimes. We just find that what we FIND is not what we hoped for. Not what we were promised and everything is a little messier than we thought it would be.
But what I love about unforeseen snags in our destination is that we can find beautiful anywhere if we so choose to look past what man made and see what God made... and what He chooses for us to see.
This little stone archway had gathered moss. It was cool in the sunlight and a perfect space to remember that we cannot place titles on the destinations God sends us to. It won't always be the way we expect. It won't always be the structure we saw in the ad. It won't always be easy or pretty. And we cannot put a lid on our God when things don't go according to plan. This is actually the time we really NEED to take the lid off our God most of all.
If creation can praise Him anyway when nothing adds up... Let's praise Him anyway too. When the title you give something doesn't seem fitting, when you find yourself at a "free place" where you can do nothing but stare at moss... Don't reexamine your God. Reexamine your surroundings. Surround yourself with the promise "He is faithful." Then, be faithful to surrender what He requires.
I woke up with the song in my spirit "He is too faithful to fail me, He is too faithful to disappoint me." My God is faithful beyond measure. Let everything else fall away and let God be true. Jesus, I humble myself before you and surrender my will for Yours this day. Holy Spirit, have your way, let your work in me be done, in the volume of the book that was written for me. Thank you, Father, for the beauty that surrounds me. May my eyes be opened to take it all in. Hallelujah and amen!
He is faithful indeed
I love you Pastor Brooke thank you so much
I have been struggling to connect with my faith recently. This touched upon the message that spearheaded my understanding.
Amen, thank you Lord for being faithful in all You do! Thank you for this reminder Brooke, it's always so timely!! Love you