You. Will. Be. Ok.
It may not feel like it today, but one fine day… everything is ok.
Close your eyes now and then…
And envision this older, wiser you who sits in their bathrobe and their slippers, rocking back and forth not because you’re anxious but because you’re content in a comfy rocking chair. Maybe your dog is asleep by the fireplace. Maybe your house is quiet or maybe your house is filled with little giggles that should be long since asleep. Maybe night time is your time to be awake. Maybe it’s when you write or design. Maybe it’s when you go to a job you love or when you lay down to sleep, so peacefully, so safely that you stop sometimes to wish younger you knew this version of you existed.
I believe that if we remind ourselves even when we don’t believe it for a second that God promised us better… that before we know it, we believe it.
Not because we’re lying to ourselves but because the truth cannot be canceled out by our denying that it is true. A truth will continue whether we say it’s false or not.
Science has proven that your subconscious really doesn’t know the difference in the truth and a lie. It’s why it’s so important to tell your brain good things. Speak it out loud. As you do that, science then proves the Bible to be the authority even when you do not realize it. As you speak new words, your brain’s neurotransmitters begin to make new pathways. These new pathways over time believe whatever you tell them.
Depressed? How long did you say it wouldn’t get better?
Insecure? How long did you say you were a burden or a bother?
Exhausted? How many times did you tell yourself you barely had energy to walk downstairs?
If you gave yourself real time and effort to change the way you speak even if it doesn’t change the way you think right away, you’d be amazed at just how differently your brain would operate. Maybe you still need medication. God gave doctors that wisdom. That’s good! Maybe you still need therapy. Counseling is a great, safe way to learn about yourself and grow. Which is wonderful too!
And if all of that feels too far off right now just start with this…
You. Will. Be. Ok.
And if the rest sounds foreign, maybe that’s ok too.
Because even reading that you will be ok…
Already started making a new pathway long before I told you that it did.
You got this. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. And be kind to yourself. It gets better and it gets happy. You just have to be willing to do the work. And I believe that you are worth every bit of that work you put in.
Pastor Brooke
Thank you 🩷 I sent this to my daughter. I needed to read it too.