By: Brooke Keith

As I sit here eating the soggiest McDonald’s fries, I am thinking about how nice it has been for me to now only know your stories but some of your families. To not only be trusted by you but to also know that when I was ready to tell stories I never told…
They would be safe with you.
I haven’t talked about it much yet but The Gospel According to Alice: The Lost Chapters hit press two days ago. With a new cover, a surprise twist and 14 new chapters I didn’t know if I was ready to talk about, I thought about you guys…
And I knew even if it was hard, you’d be here with me. You’d read it and you’d understand. You’d see the beauty for ashes and maybe, just maybe, it would heal you a little too.
I cannot wait for you to read it but more than that, I couldn’t wait to say “thank you” for making the the most heartfelt, hurtful writing easy to share with the world.
All my love,
Pastor Brooke

We are so in this life together and what an honor and privilege it is to do life together with you.